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M4A1 (75) DV Sherman medium tank (direct vision) - early - case report

Commanders !!!!
      Taking advantage of the previous case report, let's now describe another Shermie, but with casting hull: the M4A1 Sherman (75) DV early

M4A1 (early) DV Finish'em from F Company, 66th Armored Regiment,
2nd Armored Division Operation Husky - Invasion of Sicily - July,1943.
      The M4A1 was the second model to be standardized and actually the first variant to enter in production. The first example being delivered in February 1942, though series deliveries didn't start until March.
M4A1 (very early) under construction. Notice the very early characteristics:
M3 style bogies, direct vision slots, two additional .30 machine in front hull,
the absence of dust cover fitting and of head lamp guards,
the early position of the siren on the left front fender
and the gunner's rotor sight device in the turret.
      Three manufacturers built a total of 6,281 M4A1 (75mm) up to January 1944. In common with the M4, the M4A1 used the Wright R-975 "Whirlwind" radial aircraft engine, and many other mechanical details were similar with the M4 version.
Wright R-975 engine under maintenance in field
     The major difference between M4A1 and M4 was in the use of a large one-piece casting for the entire upper hull. At the time, these hulls were the largest one-piece armor castings ever made, together with the hulls of M3A1.
Massive M3A1 cast hull in plant
      A pistol port was provided for the loader in the turret side, intended for discarding spent shell cases. The hull had direct vision slots and visors in front of the hull hatches, the 3-piece transmission housing, and a rear deck nearly identical in layout to the M4.
M4A1 very ealy
       Early M4A1s also had the M3 pattern bogies, and in this form - with full sandshields - the M4A1 first saw combat with the 1st Armoured Division of the British 8th Army at Alamein in October 1942. The British named the M4 the "General Sherman" and "Sherman" was the name which rapidly came to identify all the variants of the M4 family. For the British, the M4A1 was the Sherman I:
Sherman I (M4A1) - DV of 1st British Armoured Division
       Improvements to the M4A1 followed the pattern set by the M4. One-piece transmission housings, M4 bogies with larger springs and trailing return rollers (heavy duty), M34A1 gun mounts, elimination of direct vision slots, introduction of applique armor and alternate tracks - all made their appearance in the M4A1 by the middle of 1943. However, a number of early production vehicles in virtually the original North African configuration served to the end of hostilities, especially in Italy, where the terrain and nature of fighting did not make such old vehicles as great a liability as in the Northern European campaign.
      Several thousand older Shermans, among them many M4A1s were remanufactured in the United States and England, and upgraded for the European campaign. Applique armor, M34A1 mantlets, and other mechanical and technical improvements were made, and deliveries from U.S. factories and depots. Many more were reworked in England, largely prior to D-Day. With the M4 and M4A3, the M4A1 was one of the most important U.S. service versions of the Sherman and served on all fronts - Europe, Italy and the Pacific.
                                                                                           fonts: Sherman in action and Wikipedia

M4A1 Sherman medium tank
Place of origin
United States
Service history
In service
1942 - 45
1945–present (Other countries)
Used by
United States, and many others
Production history
U.S. Army Ordnance Department
Lima Locomotive Works, Pressed Steel Car Company, Pacific Car and Foundry Company.
Feb.1942– Dec.1943
Number built
30.3 tonnes; 29.8 long tons; 33.4 short tons)
5.79 m
2.62 m
2.74 m
5 (commander, gunner, loader, driver, co-driver)

75 mm M3 L/40 gun (90 rounds)
.50 cal Browning M2HB machine gun (300 rounds),
.30-06 Browning M1919A4machine guns (4,750 rounds)
Continental R975 C1, air-cooled,radial, gasoline
400 hp (298 kW) at 2,400 rpm
13.5 hp/metric ton (early production, Chrysler A57) - 15.7 hp/metric ton (late production, RD-1820)
Spicer manual, synchromesh, 4 forward (plus 1 overdrive) and 1 reverse gear
Fuel capacity
660 litres
193 km at 660 L; 80 octane
40 to 48 km/h

      For this project, I used the Dragon kit M4A1 DV #6404, OOTB
Dragon kit M4A1 DV #6404
      The interior of the box...

decals and  steel wire in metal
Upper and lower hull

casting surface...
      The triangular reinforcements inside the lower hull contracted, falling from 90 degrees the angle between the floor and the walls ...
the floor is not perpendicular to the side walls...
The fix was simple: cuts in thereinforcements.
This "pushed" the walls out, returning the squareness.
Wheels...wheels...and M3 style bogies
Removing the burrs from wheels ..

Using scalpel to make chips on wheels

Bogies done!!!

      She with her hourglass shaped body:
The M4A1 with her curves...
welding job in the metal fenders....
I kept all the plastic guns of the kit: Very good ....
metal wire in position...


The M4A1s who fought in the desert sported cammos with two-colors: OD and Earth.
Olive drab...

M4 DV and M4A1 DV...
Parallel building...
tonal variation in green...

Applying the yellow-earth...

Future to prevent silvering...
Notice the M4 DV turret...

      I choose the markings (Dragon kit decals) from M4A1 Hannibal, from H Company, 66th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Division from Operation Husky which was the invasion of Sicily in 1943.

Flat varnish

Start weathering


The girl is getting old...

Vinyl tracks...very good !!!
      And M4A1 "HANNIBAL" (75) DV (early) from H Company, 66th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Division Operation Husky- Invasion of Sicily,1943 was born....
M4A1 (75)  DV  (early) HANNIBAL, from H Company, 66th Armored Regiment,
2nd Armored Division Operation Husky - Invasion of Sicily, 1943.

M4A1 (75)  DV  (early) HANNIBAL, from H Company, 66th Armored Regiment,
2nd Armored Division Operation Husky - Invasion of Sicily, 1943.

Go, Yankees...Go !!!

3 comentários:

  1. Again a very nice "ronded" girl ! It's very representative of the Husky Operation.
    Well done job Marcos.

  2. Hi, Alain !!! Indeed...the most beautiful Shermie !!! M4A1...
    And your Tiger???

    Hugs !!

  3. I try some techniques to make a very used winter camo. I do some experiments with the hairspray technique to have a heavy chipping but up to now it is not very convincing for me. Fortunately I try on road wheels so I didn't risk to damage my summer camo. I'm also busy with the tracks but I'm not so happy with the track links from AFV Club. So my Tiger will come soon when I will satisfied with the results of the winter camo. Thanks my friend.
